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Navigating Septic Systems for Tiny Homes: Tailored Solutions for Compact Living

Updated: Aug 28

Tiny house at night with outside table and lighting

Planning on living the dream in a tiny home on a rural block? Many lifestyle block owners with tiny homes face a big question: septic systems. Can you piggyback off an existing system, or do you need a whole new setup? For temporary tiny homes, finding the most affordable and hassle-free option can be tricky. Luckily, there are several efficient and eco-friendly wastewater solutions suitable for tiny homes that can help you maintain your minimalist lifestyle without compromising on functionality.

Why a Tiny Home Might Need its Own Septic System

Wanting to live large in a tiny home? Fantastic! But before you settle in completely, there's one crucial piece to consider: your wastewater system. Just like a granny flat or secondary dwelling, your tiny home needs a proper way to handle, well, the not-so-glamorous stuff. After all, comfort and convenience are key parts of the tiny home dream, and that includes a wastewater system that works seamlessly.

Your existing septic system may be working fine, but it can only handle so much. Adding your tiny home's wastewater to the mix might be too much for it to tackle. This can lead to backups, sluggish drains, and a hefty repair bill. Don't assume your existing system can accommodate another dwelling. Talk to a professional to see if it can handle the extra load. They can help you avoid a messy situation (literally) down the line!

What to Consider When Installing a Tiny Home Septic System

Living in the country gives you the freedom to design your dream lifestyle, but when it comes to wastewater, there are a few options to consider: 

  1. Composting toilets take some dedication and shovelling and might not be right for you. 

  2. Greywater systems need regular filter cleaning to keep working smoothly. Also contrary to popular belief, most councils have strict rules around greywater so in most instances it can’t be used to water your veggie garden. 

  3. Lastly, holding tanks, well, let's just say they can be a pain (and an expense) to empty regularly. 

A proper all waste septic system can save time and money in the long run and allow you to enjoy your new lifestyle. And here's the thing many people miss: any changes to your wastewater system, new or existing, also needs council consent.

How to Choose a Septic System for your Tiny Home

When it comes to septic systems, the real question isn't how many showers or toilets you have, but how many people might be using them in a day. We often get asked for our ‘smallest system’ for tiny homes but it’s important to size the system correctly and to many (but not all) extents, bigger is often better.

Why? Flow is calculated by the ‘potential’ number of occupants, not the number of fixtures. Even if you live alone, having a two-bedroom tiny home means it needs a system sized for potential guests. 

Thinking about hooking your new tiny home up to your existing septic system? It might be an option, but there's some detective work to do first. We can help you assess if your current tank can handle the extra load, or if a brand new system is the better choice.

Here's what we'll consider:

  • Fall. Is there enough natural downhill flow from your tiny home to reach the existing septic tank? If not, a pump station might be needed (and that's not necessarily a cheap option!).

  • Current state. Age and condition matter. An older system might not be up to the task, or might not even meet today's standards.

  • Compliance. Upgrading or adding to your septic system usually requires council approval. We can help you navigate that too!

Upgrading your existing system could be cost-effective, but sometimes a brand new system might be a better long-term solution. Either way, we'll help you find the most suitable option for your tiny home dream!

The Importance of a consultation 

Choosing a septic system for your tiny home can feel like deciphering a secret code. There are regulations and practicalities to consider, the environment to think about, and even some biological factors at play. Let's face it, your wastewater system isn't exactly dinner party conversation, but it's important to get it right!

That's where we come in. We've been navigating the world of septic systems for years, and because we're qualified onsite wastewater management system designers, we can give you all the expert advice you need for your specific project, ensuring your tiny home dream doesn't turn into a plumbing nightmare.

Don't let confusion turn into costly fines and messy remediation! Here's the good news: getting our expert advice beforehand is completely free. Why take a gamble? Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your tiny home septic needs.


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